Simplest bleeding SFX wound with gelatin. Part 1

9:42 PM

Good news everyone! (Professors voice included)

I'm back with a tutorial which is very simple and consists of two parts.

The first part is a fresh bleeding wound which done with gelatin and its inspired by the scar of Tyrion Lannister which he got in a Battle of Blackwater.

How to make own gelatin for special effects?
Well, its quite an easy thing after all. I thought it would be more difficult.
1 spoon of powdered gelatin mixed with 1 spoon of glycerin and 1.5 spoons of clear water. Mix well in a microwave safe container and bring to a microwave or you can use a double boiler. Set 8 seconds, then stir the mixture, then other 8 seconds an stir again till its all liquid and hot. Dont wait for too long as this thing sets up quickly so you have to work fast but dont start applying it immediately as you may get real burns.

Here's the couple of videos where kewl girls do this thing. 

So I mixed that thing and applied it with a thin layer on my presketched wound. When it sets a bit, about in 5 minutes I covered it with translucent powder. *Dreaming to buy some Ben Nye neutral powder* And then the wound starts. Try to 'cut' through the applied gelatin with some tool with not too sharp edge as we dont want to damage the skin. Then add some black paint inside the gelatin, on top of it apply red paint and we can start with some sfx blood which you can actually make yourself too!
Goldiestarling will show you how)

And its done! Literally nothing more than this. The blood bleeds and be careful with it as it might color your clothes.

You can take a quick look at the video with the tutorial where I tried to explain it all during the process.

I'm glad to be here again. Thanks for reading and watching. Would love to see new subs and friends!


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